The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and various aspects of people's personality, as well as exploring how
Kathryn Gardner
University of Central Lancashire
October 6th 2006 - December 6th 2006
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A brief personality test of one's outlook on the world. Feedback provided.
Suzanne Segerstrom
University of Kentucky
October 2nd 2006 - December 2nd 2006
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The present study contains a brief self-report survey and a computerized categorization task. It should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.
Wade C. Rowatt
Baylor University
September 25th 2006 - November 25th 2006
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Achtsamkeitstraining hat positive Auswirkungen auf die seelische und körperliche Gesundheit, wie neuere Studien zeigen. Was passiert aber "im Kopf", wenn Menschen ein Training in Achtsamkeit
Sebastian Sauer
Univ. of Koblenz-Landau, Univ. of Northampton
September 19th 2006 - November 19th 2006
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This study is designed to look at the relationship between personality and smoking behaviour, helping to gain a valuable insight into what triggers and reinforces
Maria Kenefeck
University of Derby
September 14th 2006 - November 14th 2006
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This questionnaire examines the extent to which you personally believe in a number of conspiracy theories. At the end of the questionnaire you will have
Martin Bruder
University of Cambridge
September 6th 2006 - March 6th 2006
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Web-Experiment zur Kommunikation von Wahrscheinlichkeiten der Projektarbeitsgruppe im Bereich Wissenskommunikation, im SS 2006, bei Prof. Dr. M. Diehl, Universität Tübingen und PD Dr. U. Reips,
Bettina Baden, Evelyn Kick, Nancy Nickisch, Andreas Saur
Psychologiesches Institut, Universität Tübingen
July 24th 2006 - September 24th 2006
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Was sind Ihre momentan wichtigsten persönlichen Ziele - und wie stehen diese miteinander in Beziehung? Untersucht wird ein spannendes Alltagsphänomen, das wichtige Beiträge für das
Jessica Schnelle, Veronika Job und Miriam Stieger
Allgemeine Psychologie (Motivation), Universität Zürich
July 11th 2006 - September 11th 2006
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This short study will take approximately 10 minutes and will evaluate gambling behaviors.
Edward Crossman, Michelle Christensen, Terry Knapp
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
May 8th 2006 - July 8th 2006
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20-30 minute questionnaire survey asking about personality and typical thought and behavior patterns
Erica Hepper and Constantine Sedikides
University of Southampton
March 21st 2006 - May 21st 2006
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